Price: €47


The Balkan Folk Violin book contains folk Violin sheet music tunes
from Balkan countries - Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia and Romania.
All tunes were arranged and performed by Ivan Kovachev (Violin).
The Accordion accompaniments were performed by Gencho Dulgerov.


Key Features

Single stave Violin notation. This score version is suitable for learning the melody.

Score Arrangement. A complete score version offering a melody (violin) stave,
a bass stave and a harmony notation.

Precise Notation. The ornamentations are notated precisely, as well as the violin improvisations are notated exactly as they were originally recorded.

Multitrack Audio CD. The CD offers up to four audio tracks such as:
    - Original Mix.
    - A Solo Violin track in slow tempo.
    - Arrangement tracks in slow and middle tempo.

Folk Factory ©

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